
Gluten-Free Vegan Mini Blueberry Cheesecakes


I’m in a writing rut.  I’m finding it incredibly challenging to write more than two sentences, on any given topic, without deviating to a different, in-commensurable topic. The scientific term for this is “Writing A.D.D.” (aka Writing Attention Deficit Disorder). The cause is likely cultivated by a lack of sugar. I’ve been limiting my sugar intake and I’ve noticed that my mental state has been taking a downward spiral, which indicates that one should never mess with their sugar equilibrium. I mean, ya, sugar is said to promote disease, cause cavities, accelerate aging, produce wrinkles, and assist in the development of other horrendous ailments, but it puts a smile on my face and releases endorphin’s in my brain, which hopefully counts for something… 

These gluten-free vegan “cheesecake” blueberry tarts are void of processed sugar (another variable that I highlight to justify my indulgence) and contain only a small amount of maple syrup.  They’re slightly sweet and extremely creamy; designed to satiate any dessert craving. 

I adapted this recipe from I’m loving her blog!

1.5 cups of pitted medjool dates
3/4 cups of hazelnuts
3/4 cups of almonds
3 tablespoons of coconut oil
1.5 cups soaked cashews
1/4 cup of lemon juice
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
2/3 cup full fat coconut cream
1/2 cup of real maple syrup
1 cup of blueberries
1. Soak cashews in hot water for 2-4 hours.
2. In a food processor blend dates, hazelnuts, almonds and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil for 1 minute.
3. Distribute crust mixture into muffin tin cups using your fingers to mold the crust.
4. Once all the crust has been placed into the muffin tin, place cashews in the food processor and blend until creamy for about 2 minutes. Add solid coconut cream, lemon juice, maple syrup and coconut oil. Blend for another 2 minutes. The mixture should be creamy and smooth. If it isn’t, continue to blend until it is smooth.
5. Pour filling on top of crust in muffin tin cups.
6. Top with blueberry’s and freeze for 4-6 hours.

Eat frozen or thawed.  Enjoy 🙂


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